East Fremantle


Cognitive Assessment

Cognitive Assessment

Have you had a request from a Paediatrician, GP, or your child’s school to complete a Cognitive Assessment? 

This assessment process can eliminate cognitive concerns for the purpose of perusing another diagnosis (e.g., ADHD), or explore cognitive struggles and how to support them, and will give a profile of your child’s strengths and weaknesses. This profile helps parents and teachers to gain a deeper understanding of how a child thinks and learns, what additional considerations and adjustments they might need, and which areas of strength can be utilised to improve their experience of school.  

To download the client information handout on the Cognitive Assessment , click here

The assessment process involves: 

  • 1 hour Background History and Consultation Session with the Psychologist (Parents Only)
  • 2–3-hour Assessment Session with Child and the Psychologist
  • Psychologist to score the assessment and write their report 
  • 1 hour Feedback Session to Deliver Report (Parents Only)

Appointments will be spread out over a 4–6-week period. Please note that our psychologist completing assessments only works 2 days per week and your appointments will need to be scheduled on these days. 


Please Note:  

Parents must be aware that in their initial consultation appointment, the psychologist will decide if it is appropriate that your child be assessed with the WISC-V or the Non-Verbal Leiter-3 (our two current cognitive assessment options). Criterion that would make a cognitive assessment inappropriate includes: 

1. A child whose age is out of the appropriate range for assessment 

2. A child for whom the assessment would be unethical

The cognitive assessment alone is not sufficient to diagnose SLD, giftedness, ADHD, ASD, or other behaviour presentations. 

It is at the discretion of the Psychologist at the time of the initial consultation appointment whether or not they will take on the assessment; therefore cost for the initial consultation and the complete assessment are billed separately. Cognitive Assessments are NOT covered by the Medicare Better Access Scheme, and therefore Medicare rebates are not available for this service. This also means parents do not require a referral from an external practitioner in order to engage in this service; however, any information from external services who have requested the assessment is encouraged. 

Your Journey to a Better You Starts Here.

To book an appointment or get more information, contact us below.
